Russell Tompkins
Russell TompkinsChairman

Primary Services:

  • Dispatching
  • E-911 Addressing

116 Justice Center Drive

Jamestown, TN 38556






A: First, the home or structure in which you are requesting the E-911 address for needs to be clearly marked with either stakes or flags. We will then drive to the property and pinpoint the location of each structure using a GPS (global positioning system) unit.

A: Typically, addressing is done each Tuesday and Thursday weather permitting.

A: It’s imperative to emergency services to post your house number where it is visible. If the home is more than 30 feet from the street, or cannot be seen from the street, numbers should be displayed on the mailbox or at the beginning of a driveway. If multiple houses are located on a private drive, there should be a stake at the beginning of the drive with all house numbers posted on it, plus, there must be a stake or house number posted on each house on the private drive.