When applying for a business tax license or a minimal activity license, please provide the following:
- Business name, business address, business telephone number
- Owner’s name(s), home address, home telephone number, social security number(s)
- Copy of owner(s) driver’s license
- Signature of owner(s)
- LLCs, Corporations, and Partnerships will need to bring their FEIN assignment page when applying.
The Application for a Business Tax License or Minimal Activity License is available upon request.
The license fee will be $15 if your business is located within Fentress County in order to obtain your business license or minimal activity license.
A minimal license is required to be renewed in the County Clerk’s Office each year. A minimal activity business license is any business that has a gross income of $100,000 or less each year.
A standard business tax license requires an initial license to be issued at the County Clerk’s Office and then a TNTAP account with the State of Tennessee for renewal each year.
If you have any further questions, please call 931-879-8014.